Monday, April 30, 2007

Who? Me?

Lori, over at Losses_and_Gains, has tagged me for a Thinking Blogger Award.

When I started my blog, I stressed that my goal was to make sure that everyone (parents, media, docs, etc) had accurate information on the long term outcomes of prematurity. I felt strongly that parents deserved this information if faced with an early birth.

When I "met" Lori I was shown another face of prematurity. Imagine being told, while being faced with the impending early birth of your babies, that they would not survive if born (at 23 weeks). You choose comfort care and watch your babies pass on only then to hear of many stories of 23 weekers who did survive. Despite my own feelings on babies born that early, Lori deserved to know that there were babies born as early as hers that had survived.

Accurate and honest information.

Not a day goes by without me thinking of Lori.

Thanks for sharing your story with the world Lori and thanks for the award.

Here are the rules...

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote

It's not easy to narrow down my list to only 5. There are many good blogs out there.

The first few have been nominated before, and for good reason.

Clark not only gives my brain a work out, he should receive an award for all of the work he has done with PGR.

Flea has taught me a little bit on a lot of subjects.

Buddhist_Mama. I've spent some time reading her blog and am finding the subject matter quite interesting.

Addicted_to_Medblogs. I just found this site and have been fun reading the posts. Being addicted to medical blogs myself, I can relate. Love the lawyer jokes on her site too!

Premature_Labor is written by a mom of a premature child, who is also a former preemie herself. A great insight to both sides.

Like I said above, there are many blogs that I read and value. I wish I could list them all.

Also, please do not judge a blog based on my *very short* synopsis. I wish I could write longer descriptions on each of them but I am being pulled in a few directions lately and my head is not in the game. Please visit the blogs I listed and enjoy.

Finally, to Lori, you have forever touched my life. Thank you for sharing your story and including my blog in your thoughts.


niobe said...

Many thanks for the links to some blogs I've never heard of before.

ThePreemie Experiment said...

You are quite welcome. There are so many good ones out there. It was hard to pick only 5!

KM said...

I am an adult preemie and I wish there were more studies about the long term outcomes when I was born. I wish there were more studies being done and given attention to today. I am still in the dark as to many of my medical and mental health problems due to premature birth.
I wish more doctors and people and organizations would understand that "survival" is different than "living". It is not worth life to merely survive. It is not ethical to medically force an extremely under-developed preemie to survive, only for it to suffer, just because advanced technology can now keep their bodies alive. But it's a risk for everyone involved, and no one can ever be sure how their baby will turn out. But everyone should be presented with accurate and honest information, you are right.

ThePreemie Experiment said...

Hi K,

Thank you for your comments. I think that the voice of older preemies is very important to the lives of future preemies!

There is an online support group for adult former preemies.

It is run by Sarah, who is an adult former preemie herself. I belong to that group and I am amazed at how many feel the same way that you described. Hope to see you there.
